Sunday, February 13, 2011

HCG Diet

I was on the HCG diet last summer and lost 30#s. I still can't believe it as I have tried for literally years to lose weight after kids. I have tried every fad video out there, even hired a personal trainer for over a year and half and was not able to lose weight. I went to my dr last summer and he told me about this diet and I was impressed with how it works. I have never been one to try real "diets" before but I knew I could do this one. It basically is a diet that requires you to eat 500 calories a day and that is it. There is also a list of foods you can only eat and you have to drink tons of water. There is also a shot involved daily which is the HCG human chorionic gonadotropin. I don't want to have to go into details to explain HCG so you can read up here about it. I don't recommend buying drops or anything over the internet to do this diet. I only recommend going through a doctor and be under a dr's care if you ever decide to do this diet. After going to talk to a nutritionist they were a bit concerned since I am a Type 1 Diabetic and they had never had one go on this diet before but I guess they felt I had enough knowledge and dedication to taking care of myself they approved me for this diet. I still can't believe I was able to drop the weight and feel so much better again with who I am, I hated me for the longest time. I have started a second round of the HCG diet a couple days ago and am going to try my best to update here on my progress.
Here is the meal I had today
Protein Shake-- 86 calories

Halibut-- 100 calories
tomatoes-- 30 calories

Chicken-- 164 calories
Romaine Lettuce-- 17

Medium red apple--72

Total: 469

I have lost 3.6 pounds since Friday morning.

See ya tomorrow. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Found a new candle maker

I'm so excited to have found a new candle maker in town. I have tried my hand at candlemaking but it's just not my thing. I am so excited and doing the happy dance. Here is the link to their site.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Testing my new Kindle. Sooooo cool!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fine silver fusing bracelet

I took a class on fine silver fusing. We used a torch like chef's use on certain foods. I can't believe how easy and fun this craft was to learn. Only thing is, fine silver is quite expensive. I have a teensy bit left over from my class so I have enough to make another bracelet. I made every part of this bracelet, the jump rings, eye pins...all but the beads. Everything is fused together as well, jumprings have no way to be opened which makes it nice.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bang bang bang hammer hammer hammer

Those are the sounds on my roof today. We are having our roof re-roofed from the hail storm last year. Our poor little doggie hates all the noise and she doesn't get to lay in the sun today as I have the kitchen curtains closed. The kiddos are back in school from being off for Spring Break.

Okay off to do more things, not to much say today.

Saturday, March 20, 2010